Financial Assistance

MIYA Inc. provides a number of assistance programs to families. A comprehensive listing of the emergency resources, financial assistance programs for paying bills, rent or housing, food and counseling services offered are listed below. People of all backgrounds and religions may be able to receive help.

only have a limited amount of funding to offer as well.

Financial assistance and basic needs from the charity

The food pantries, soup kitchens and free food banks that are available to struggling families is how MIYA Inc. helps the highest number of people. Millions of free hot meals, emergency food and grocery boxes, and holiday meals are provided every year. The pantry often serves as a bridge to the client while they find longer term support. From time to time groceries, food boxes and lunch or dinner meals may even be delivered as well to the homebound, disabled veterans or seniors.

Although MIYA Inc. is a virtual business, we still get out and reach the community. 

Individuals can then work with a case manager to move into short term transitional housing, then together you will explore permanent housing options in your local community. As part of this the social worker will show clients how to get financial help, including funds for paying security deposits and first month’s rent.